Prep:  10 minutes
Serves:  2
Average: 4 (12 votes)
Sweet party treat recipe using chocolate and fruit skewers. Chocolate fondue is a romantic idea for two or you could get the kids involved to make fun shapes from fruit.

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Chocolate Yoghurt Dip
Chocolate Yogurt Dip
Chocolate Yogurt Dip
  1. Heat milk in a small saucepan over low heat until very hot and foamy, but not boiling. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Set aside for 2-3 minutes to melt, then stir until smooth.
  2. Pour into a medium bowl and stir in yogurt. Refrigerate for 1 hour until thickened and cool
  3. Peel and slice the fruit, or use a biscuit cutter to cut into shapes and thread onto skewers if desired. Serve fruit dippers with chocolate yogurt dip
Tips & Hints:
  • The consistency of your dip may vary, depending on the yogurt you use. Pot-set yogurt will give you a slightly thicker dip compared to stirred yogurt.
  • We've served this dip in a coconut for fun! To prepare a coconut, carefully pierce the 'eyes' of the coconut with a corkscrew or skewer. Drain the juice. Holding the coconut in one hand, tap sharply around the 'equator' with a hammer until the shell splits in half. It may take about 30 seconds of patient tapping before it cracks. Remove the flesh from the half with the holes, using a butter knife and cut into chunks for serving. Make a ring with foil to help steady the coconut half on the platter.
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