Prep:  15 minutes
Cook:  25 minutes
Makes:  12
Average: 4 (1 vote)
For a fresh summer twist on the classic sausage roll recipe, try this variation made with ricotta, spinach and chicken mince. A great picnic or summer BBQ staple!

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Picnic Sausage Rolls
  1. Steam or microwave the spinach leaves until wilted, squeeze to remove excess liquid. Roughly chop and combine with ricotta, parmesan, mince, breadcrumbs, parsley and seasonings
  2. Cut each sheet of puff pastry in half. Shape 1/4 of the chicken filling along the centre of each piece of pastry, lengthways. Brush one edge with egg and roll pastry over the meat, pressing to seal edge. Cut each length into 3 sausage rolls
  3. Place the sausage rolls on a baking paper lined oven tray, brush lightly with egg and bake at 200°C for 25 minutes or until golden and cooked through. Remove from oven and cool slightly before serving
Tips & Hints:
  • These are delicious served cold and ideal for picnics or for a school lunch packed in a chilled lunchbox. Try adding grated carrot to the filling, if desired.
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