Prep:  15 min
Cook:  5 min + setting time
Serves:  6
Average: 3.7 (6 votes)
Make this stunning Cherry Trifle for Christmas or any celebration while cherries are in season.

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Very Cherry Trifle
Sour Cherry Jelly
Sour Cherry Jelly
  1. Bring sour cherry juice to a simmer in a small saucepan over medium heat
  2. Soak gelatine leaves in cold water for 5 minutes until soft. Squeeze out any excess water and add to sour cherry juice, stirring until gelatine has dissolved
  3. Evenly divide mixture into large individual glasses (about 500ml in capacity) and distribute cherries amongst the glasses too, then place in fridge for 3 hours or until set
  1. Stir kirsch, jam and icing sugar into mascarpone and yoghurt until combined
  2. Cut butter cake slices into 3 fingers and place on top of jelly
  3. Spoon over mascarpone mixture, sprinkle with almonds and garnish with cherries
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