Lakanto Golden Malt Syrup

Golden Malt Syrup

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Lakanto Golden Malt Flavoured Syrup is a versatile ingredient for baking and desserts to add chewiness and a delicious touch of sweetness. It is also great as a topping and in drinks.

Use as a 1:1 replacement for Rice Malt Syrup with 75% less calories. Naturally sweetened and with Zero Net Carbs.

  • Natural Syrup replacement for Golden Syrup, Rice Malt, Honey, Brown Rice Syrup, Date Syrup and Molasses.
  • A splash will satisfy your sweet tooth, without impacting your blood sugar levels.
  • Low Carb / Zero Net Carb / Keto friendly
  • 75% less calories than Rice Malt Syrup
  • Gluten free, Vegan, GMO Free, Fructose Free
  • No artificial colours or flavours
  • Recommended by ‘I Quit Sugar’
  • Try it as a replacement for your Golden Syrup or Honey.
  • Made from at least 61% Australian ingredients.