IXL strawberry jam is the perfect accompaniment to many dishes weather it be on top of toast are blended into a recipe.

IXL Strawberry Jam

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Since 1898 IXL has been a daily part of Australians lives. The classic strawberry jam can be enjoyed in delicious cakes, other mouth-watering desserts and traditionally you can lather a layer of strawberry jam onto your morning toast or freshly baked scones. 

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IXL strawberry jam is the perfect accompaniment to many dishes weather it be on top of toast are blended into a recipe.

IXL Strawberry Jam

Since 1898 IXL has been a daily part of Australians lives. The classic strawberry jam can be enjoyed in delicious cakes, other mouth-watering desserts and traditionally you can lather a layer of strawberry jam onto your morning toast or freshly baked scones. 

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