Serves:  2
Average: 3 (1 vote)
Recipe by: Lean and Curvy

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Mushroom & Capsicum Mini Omelettes
Mushroom & Capsicum Mini Omelettes
Mushroom & Capsicum Mini Omelettes
  1. Whisk the egg whites until soft peaks form.
  2. Combine all remaining ingredients in a bowl then gently fold into the eggwhite mixture.
  3. Heat a non stick frypan with a little macadamia nut oil added if desired.
  4. Spoon mixture into large egg rings (silicon ones work well) and cook over a very low heat in until the egg has set most of the way through, then flip and cook for a further couple of minutes until fully cooked.
Tips & Hints:
  • Serve with a crunchy green salad and a blob of homemade relish
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