Serves:  4
Average: 3 (2 votes)
Recipe by: GET ZOMT

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Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
  1. Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl of water. Use a mandolin to cut the apples into very thin slices; about 1-2mm thick (If you cut them thicker, they will require longer to dehydrate and will stay a bit more chewy). Place them straight in the lemon water as you cut them to prevent them from discolouring and oxidising.
  2. Arrange in single layers in your dehydrator and dehydrate until crisp and crunchy If you don't have a dehydrator, set the oven to 50°C and check regularly to make sure they don’t burn. Leave the door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape.
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