Serves: 4
Difficulty: Cuisine: Saved: | 663 | Recipe by: GET ZOMT |
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Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
Crispy Crunchy Raw Apple Chips
- Squeeze the lemon juice into a bowl of water. Use a mandolin to cut the apples into very thin slices; about 1-2mm thick (If you cut them thicker, they will require longer to dehydrate and will stay a bit more chewy). Place them straight in the lemon water as you cut them to prevent them from discolouring and oxidising.
- Arrange in single layers in your dehydrator and dehydrate until crisp and crunchy If you don't have a dehydrator, set the oven to 50°C and check regularly to make sure they don’t burn. Leave the door slightly ajar to allow moisture to escape.
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