Serves:  4
Average: 4 (2 votes)
Recipe by: Bakers Delight
Recipe created by Matt from "Dad Down Under". Bread used - Authentic Sourdough Vienna
Credit: Matt from Dad Down Under

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Beetroot, Pumpkin and Fetta Salad
Beetroot, Pumpkin and Fetta Salad
Beetroot, Pumpkin and Fetta Salad
  1. Preheat your oven to 180°C. Peel and cut your pumpkin into small cubes. Add them to a roasting tray, season and add a small amount of olive oil, barely enough to coat them
  2. If you add too much the pumpkin will be soggy rather than crisp. Get your hands in and make sure all the pumpkin has a shiny coating. Roast for 20mins at 180 degrees. After 10mins turn the pumpkin to stop it from sticking to the bottom of the tray
  3. Whilst the pumpkin is roasting quarter the beetroot, remove stones from the olives, crumble the fetta and add the lightly toasted seeds/nuts to a salad bowl
  4. Turn your attentions to the Sourdough now. Remove the crusts and tear into pieces roughly the same size as the pumpkin. Heat a little olive oil in a frying pan, add the thyme leaves, and once the pan is hot add the bread. Season the bread with salt and pepper and toss them in the oil as you would with a stir fry
  5. Keep moving them in the pan to ensure they don't burn and if they start looking a little dry add more olive oil. Once they have nicely crisped add them to the salad bowl with a glug or two more olive oil and a squeeze of lemon juice
  6. Finally add the spinach leaves and using your hands gently turn the salad over and over to ensure everything is nicely mixed. Eat immediately while the croutons remain crisp and crunchy
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