Prep:  20 minutes
Makes:  24
Serves:  12
Average: 4.3 (7 votes)
Recipe by: Breville
Make your own marshmallows at home with this fun and easy recipe! Great idea for the kids to make when on school holidays.

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  1. Grease and line a 3cm deep, 16.5x26.5cm (base) slab pan, allowing paper to hang over sides
  2. Combine the sugar and luke warm water into a saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, until sugar dissolves. Brush sides of pan with a wet pastry brush to dissolve any sugar crystals. Bring to boil and boil gently, without stirring for 5 minutes until a candy thermometer reaches 110°C
  3. Sprinkle the gelatine over cold water and stir with a fork to combine. Spoon the gelatine mixture into hot sugar syrup and cook, whisking constantly until the gelatine has dissolved then bring to a gentle boil. Pour into mixer bowl and set aside for 20-30 minutes to cool to room temperature
  4. Add the vanilla to the gelatine mixture. Assemble the mixer using whisk attachment. Place bowl onto mixer. Slowly turn mixer to AERATE/WHIP setting and whisk for 4 1/2 -5 minutes, or until the mixture is very thick and white
  5. Spoon into the prepared pan, smooth surface and set aside to cool. Once set (about 1 hour in fridge, 2 hours room temp) turn out of the pan and use a wet knife to cut into 24 squares. Toss in coconut and set aside until surface feels dry. Serve
Tips & Hints:
  • Makes: 24. Prep time: 20 min + cooling/chilling.
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