Prep:  2 minutes
Cook:  5 minutes
Serves:  4
Average: 4 (1 vote)
Recipe by: Vitasoy
To enjoy this dish as a dairy free option, simply omit the sheep's pecorino

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Creamy Polenta
  1. Heat Vitasoy Soy Milky Regular and garlic in a medium sized saucepan until almost boiling. Use a slotted spoon to collect garlic pieces and discard
  2. Add polenta, and stir until the mixture boils
  3. Reduce heat to low, stir constantly for further 3-5 minutes until polenta cooked. Polenta should be texture of smooth mashed potato
  4. Stir through cheese (if using) until melted and season to taste with pepper
Tips & Hints:
  • Top with grilled herb chicken fillets
  • Sheep's cheese is readily available in the deli section of most major supermarkets. It can also be purchased from gourmet delicatessens
  • As optional ingredient in this dish, simply omit the sheep's pecorino when making the creamy polenta to enjoy this as a dairy free alternative to mashed potato
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