Prep:  10 minutes
Cook:  20 minutes
Makes:  6
Serves:  6
Average: 4.5 (23 votes)
Recipe by: Foodbank
Support the brands that support Foodbank. This recipe was made with Helga's Traditional Wholemeal bread wrapped in bacon
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Egg Cups with Bacon Dippers
  1. Preheat oven to 190°C. Brush a 6 hole muffin tin with half the melted butter for the egg cups. Grease and line a baking tray for the bacon dippers
  2. Gently roll each slice of bread flat with a rolling pin and press each slice of bread into the prepared muffin hole. Brush with remaining melted butter
  3. Wrap a strip of bacon around each reserved crust and place on the lined baking tray. Bake both trays in the oven for 10 minutes
  4. Remove both from the oven, turn the bacon soldiers over. Place a few spinach leaves into the bread cups, and divide the cheese evenly between them. Gently crack an egg into each cup
  5. Carefully place both trays back in the oven and bake for another 15 minutes or until the egg is just set and the bacon soldiers are crispy
  6. Remove from the oven, allow cups to cool in pan for 5 minutes before removing. Serve sprinkled with chives, salt and pepper
  7. Dip bacon soldiers into gooey eggs and enjoy!
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