This avocado and mango mousse recipe is a healthy dessert recipe for summer that the whole family will love.
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Creamy Avocado and Mango Mousse
Not bad !
1 year 6 months ago
Truthfully it didn’t come out much like mousse, more like a melted pudding, but the consistency was a little more there after leaving it in the fridge overnight ! Now it wasn’t as good as I was hoping but I’m giving 5 stars because nothing was wrong with the recipe itself it was just a matter of personal preference. I also ended up blending many times because I couldn’t get it puréed sufficiently which could’ve affected the potential mousse consistency, along with blending the yogurt out of fear I wouldn’t mix it right :’). Regardless this was pretty tasty especially with things added on top, like cinnamon granola, shredded coconut (this addition was perfect), and even oats ! (separately of course but knock yourself out with an all mix). Thank you for this healthy and easy dessert !!
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