Prep:  5 minutes
Makes:  300ml
Average: 4.2 (32 votes)
Recipe by: Breville
This Quick and Easy Hollandaise recipe uses The Boss™ featuring a high velocity ProKinetix® blade and bowl system that pulverises virtually any combination of ingredients.

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Quick and Easy Hollandaise Sauce
  1. For best results use The Breville Boss blender.
  2. Place egg yolks, lemon juice or vinegar, water and salt into blender jug and secure lid. MILL 30 seconds or until pale and creamy. MIX 1 minute.
  3. While motor is running remove inner cap and gradually add melted butter in a thin steady stream until sauce has thickened.
Tips & Hints:
  • Serve with poached eggs, steamed asparagus or potato cakes
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