Prep:  10 min + 1 hr to set
Makes:  10 crackles
Average: 4.4 (149 votes)
Recipe by: Copha
Chocolate crackles are so quick and easy to make. This sweet and crunchy delight is bound to please your guests, no matter what the occasion (or age)!
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Chocolate Crackles
  1. Line a standard 12 cup muffin tray with paper cases
  2. Melt Copha in microwave on high or in a saucepan until fully melted. Mix rice bubbles, icing sugar, cocoa powder and desiccated coconut in a large bowl. Add in the melted Copha, and stir to combine
  3. Spoon crackle mix evenly into the prepared muffin cups. Place in fridge for 1 hour to set
Tips & Hints:
  • Can be stored in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 4 days
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Tastes like my childhood...
3 years 6 months ago
I decided to make chocolate crackles for my own children, having not eaten them or made them since I was a kid. The first recipe I tried was a Cadbury recipe I found online that used the same ingredients as this one, except it only used 1/3 cup of cocoa (instead of 1/2 cup that this one calls for). The Cadbury recipe came out okay....but they just weren't quite right....not as chocolatey and sickly sweet as I remembered them to be. I had another look around and came across this recipe magic....I was taken back to childhood. The Cadbury recipe was not what I remember a good old fashioned chocolate crackle to be, but they would probably be great for much younger kids because they had a milder, less sweet and less chocolate flavour. For us it had to be this recipe. I'll be keeping this one in my recipe book. Thanks so much!
kids party
3 years 11 months ago
I look forward to kids parties so I can eat these. Ha
4 years 6 months ago
Love love love chocolate crackles
Chocolate crackles
4 years 9 months ago
The only adaptation to the recipe that I do, is instead of using patty cake / cup cake holders, for the chocolate crackles to sit and set in, I use the small square ice cream cones. This way, kids + of course adults ... don’t get messy chocolate fingers as they eat the crackles inside the cone. No mess, no paper waste. Win. Win. Lol