Copha Vegetable Shortening

Copha Vegetable Shortening

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Since the 1930's Copha has been the key ingredient in the much-loved kids party recipes such as Chocolate Crackles, White Christmas and other "no-bake" desserts and sweet treats. Made from 99% coconut oil, it is also made from gluten-free ingredients and is vegan. From traditional birthday and Christmas party recipes to modern takes such as Chocolate and Peanut Butter Mousse cake or Cherry Chocolate Cheesecake, Copha has always been associated with fun, family and sweet childhood memories.


Developed in 1933, Copha quickly became popular with busy mums who wanted a no-fuss vegetable shortening for home baking and cooking. From birthday parties to baking at home with mum or grandma, Copha has always been associated with fun, family and sweet childhood memories.


Copha can be trusted to make any occasion special with easy desserts just as delicious as it’s signature chocolate crackle recipe. For great party food ideas, including chocolate cake recipes to gluten free desserts, Copha is the ideal cooking ingredient!   Copha is sold in N.Z under the brand name of Kremelta.