Prep:  25 minutes
Cook:  20 minutes + resting
Serves:  4
Average: 4 (7 votes)
The perfect combination for a light and easy dinner. Eye fillet steak served with a salad of shaved celery, apple, fennel, and a pop of blue cheese in this dressing makes this recipe ideal for Christmas, Mother's Day, Father's day, or just to spoil yourself anytime.

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Roast Eye Fillet with Shaved Celery, Apple and Fennel Salad and Blue Cheese Dressing
  1. Truss beef securely with string to keep its shape and season with salt and pepper. Pan fry beef on all sides until browned
  2. Transfer to a preheated 200°C oven and cook for a further 15-20 minutes until medium-rare or cooked to your liking. Rest for 20 minutes before serving
  3. Combine blue cheese and cream in a saucepan over low heat, stirring until blue cheese is nearly completely melted into the cream (there will be some small pieces of blue cheese visible). Season with black pepper and cool completely
  4. Combine fennel, celery, apple, walnuts and coat in half the dressing. Slice beef into thick slices and serve with salad and remaining dressing
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