Prep:  20 min + 4 hours setting time
Serves:  dinner party (8-10)
Average: 3.5 (357 votes)
Recipe by: Creative Gourmet
A wonderful way to celebrate Christmas using Panettone to make this stunning trifle with chocolate and berries.

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Berry, Chocolate & Panettone Trifle
  1. Place panettone into a medium bowl. Drizzle with liqueur, stir to combine and stand for 10 minutes. Place frozen berries in another bowl. Sprinkle with 1 tbs icing sugar and stir until well mixed. Set aside
  2. Meanwhile, place cream cheese in a medium bowl. Using electric hand beaters, beat until smooth. Add custard and 1/3 cup icing sugar and beat for 4-5 minutes on high until smooth
  3. To assemble trifle, arrange half the soaked panettone into the base of a 10 to 12-cup trifle bowl or dish Spoon over half the custard mixture. Sprinkle with half the berries. Repeat layering finishing with berries.
  4. Cover with plastic and refrigerate for 4-5 hours
  5. To serve, top trifle with chocolate curls or grated dark chocolate and serve
Tips & Hints:
  • Panettone is Italian spiced yeast bread containing sultanas and candied peel. Sold in dome-shaped boxes, it's available in supermarkets. Use light cream cheese, reduced fat custard and Sponge finger Savoiardi biscuits in place of panettone for a lighter alternative.
  • If you don't have a trifle bowl, you can use a salad bowl, or even a glass flower vase
  • The trifle can be made the day before and chilled overnight, but the longer it's stored, the more the berries 'seep' their natural rosy-pink juices.
  • Slice and toast leftover panettone and serve for breakfast
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