Prep:  5 minutes
Makes:  Approx. 3/4 cup
Serves:  4
Average: 4 (6 votes)
Try this delicious jam butter recipe when you next bake scones. It is the perfect treat to add to high tea, baby shower and bridal shower tables.

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Jam Butter
Orange and Cardamom Flavour
Raspberry and Rosewater Flavour
Strawberry and Mint Flavour
Orange and Cardamom Flavour
  1. Beat butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy
  2. Add cardamom and marmalade and continue beating until well mixed
  3. Serve immediately on toast, scones, crumpets or pancakes or refrigerate until required
Raspberry and Rosewater Flavour
  1. Beat butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy
  2. Add raspberry jam and rosewater and continue beating until well mixed
  3. Serve immediately on toast, scones, crumpets or pancakes or refrigerate until required
Strawberry and Mint Flavour
  1. Beat butter with an electric mixer until light and fluffy
  2. Add strawberry jam and mint and continue beating until well mixed
  3. Serve immediately on toast, scones, crumpets or pancakes or refrigerate until required
Tips & Hints:
  • Jam Butter will keep for several days stored in the refrigerator.
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