Prep:  15 minutes
Cook:  5 minutes
Serves:  6
Average: 4 (10 votes)
Recipe by: Perfect Italiano
Make homemade parmesan crisps with smoked salmon as an impressive appetiser recipe for entertaining. This new take on salmon bilinis using ricotta is great for parties.

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Parmesan Crisps with Smoked Salmon
  1. Combine Perfect Italiano Traditional Parmesan Grated, sesame seeds and season with black pepper.
  2. Drop tablespoonfuls of the mixture onto a baking paper lined tray and bake at 200°C for 5 minutes until golden brown and bubbling. Allow to cool 5 minutes until crisp.
  3. To serve, top each Parmesan Crisp with a generous dollop of Perfect Italiano Smooth & Creamy Ricotta and a curl of smoked salmon. Sprinkle with combined parsley and lemon rind, season with salt and pepper.
Tips & Hints:
  • Parmesan Crisps can be cooked in advance and stored in an airtight container for up to 3 days before assembling. As an alternative to lemon and parsley, try garnishing with salmon pearls and dill sprigs.
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Recipe needs adjustments
Loves to cook
3 years 3 weeks ago
So, this recipe is lovely! However, if you want a crispy Parmesan wheel this recipe doesn’t work. I made two batches trying to get it to work, until I got frustrated and tried something that worked much better. Add one tablespoon of cornflour to the Parmesan and sesame seeds for a truely delicious crispy Parmesan crisp, now that will impress your guest!