Prep:  25 mins
Cook:  20 mins
Makes:  12
Average: 4.3 (4 votes)
This easy chocolate calzone recipe is the perfect traditional Italian dessert idea. With chocolate and banana wrapped in puff pastry, served with ice cream and chocolate sauce, this decadant dessert is sure to be a favourite.

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Chocolate Calzone
  1. BRING the cream just to a boil in a saucepan and then pour over the chocolate. Stand for 5 minutes then stir to combine. Set aside to firm
  2. CUT 4 x 12cm diameter circles from each sheet of pastry. Place a scant tablespoon of chocolate mixture on each and 2 slices of banana. Fold in half and press edges together to seal. Carefully transfer to a lightly greased baking tray
  3. BAKE the calzone in a very hot oven 220°C for 15 minutes or until pastry is cooked and golden. Cool briefly on a wire rack. Dust with icing sugar and serve warm with ice cream and chocolate sauce
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