Prep:  15 minutes
Cook:  10 minutes
Serves:  4
Average: 4.2 (47 votes)
Indulge in one of life’s little luxuries, you deserve it. Pick up a fresh, cooked Australian Rock Lobster halved and cleaned by your local fishmonger - easy!
Credit: Great Australian Seafood

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Easy As Australian Lobster with Lemon and Tarragon Butter
  1. Melt the butter in a medium saucepan over a low heat stirring constantly with a whisk, using a spoon skim off the foam that rises to the top. Remove from the heat, add the lemon zest and stir. Now, very slowly add the lemon juice and chopped tarragon and whisk constantly. Season with salt and pepper to taste
  2. Place your lobster onto a serving platter and arrange the bite sized pieces in the shell, spoon over the butter sauce, top with extra fresh tarragon leaves
  3. Serve with baby cos lettuce wedges topped with a creamy salad dressing and a sprinkle of fresh chives – or spoon over the leftover butter dressing, we won’t tell.
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