Prep:  10 minutes plus freezing
Makes:  Makes 12 pops
Serves:  12
Average: 3 (6 votes)
Cool off this summer with a fruity frozen yoghurt pop - they couldn't be easier to make! Fruity frozen yoghurt pops, with mango, strawberry and banana flavours are a great recipe to make with the kids this summer.

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Fruit Salad Yo-Pops
  1. Process strawberries with 2 teaspoons water in a blender until smooth. Remove and reserve
  2. Place remaining ingredients in blender and process until smooth
  3. Layer tablespoons of fruit salad puree with teaspoons of strawberry puree in icy pole moulds until full. Insert icy pole sticks and freeze until firm
Tips & Hints:
  • Fresh mango can be substituted with 1 cup frozen mango, canned peaches, apricots or passion fruit.
  • For Adults: Add a little mint to the pureed strawberries.
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