Prep:  15 minutes
Cook:  15 minutes
Serves:  6
Average: 4.2 (22 votes)
Recipe by: Perfect Italiano
Perfect for brunch, lunch or simply easy entertaining, this cheesy frittata recipe will have everyone coming back for seconds. You should probably make two!

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Potato, Mozzarella and Caramelised Onion Frittata
  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C
  2. Heat 1/2 the oil in a large ovenproof frypan over a medium heat. Add the onions and stir gently for 5 minutes or until golden. Add the sugar and continue to cook for 3-4 minutes or until caramelised. Remove from the heat and cool
  3. Beat the eggs and milk in a large bowl to combine. Stir in 1/2 of the Perfect Italiano Mozzarella, the crushed garlic, and season with salt and pepper. Add the potato, the cooled onion, and gently toss to combine
  4. Heat the remaining oil in the same ovenproof frypan (which should be wiped clean) over a low heat. Pour the frittata mixture into the pan, and then arrange the potato mixture in an even layer. Cook for 2-3 minutes, and then sprinkle over the remaining cheese
  5. Transfer into the oven and cook for 15 minutes or until set, puffed and golden. Remove from the oven, carefully transfer onto a plate, and serve the frittata warm
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7 years 11 months ago
I am confused with the wording of instructions. It says to add potatoe to egg mixture but then further down it says to layer potatoe on top. Can you clarify