Prep:  5 mins + 10 mins cooling
Makes:  1 cup
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Recipe by: Lakanto
This Extra Glossy Chocolate Ganache is 99% Sugar-Free and is incredibly easy to make, with only three ingredients required for a great tasting topping for your cakes and other desserts.

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Extra Glossy Chocolate Ganache
  1. Heat 100 ml cream until very hot, or almost boiling and add 1/2 cup chocolate chips. Let sit for 2-3 minutes to allow the chocolate to melt. Stir with a whisk or a spoon until glossy and homogeneous.
  2. Add 5 tbsp Bakers Classic Syrup & stir until it’s well incorporated into the chocolate & smooth.
  3. Place the bowl or cup with ganache into another bowl or cup filled with cold water. Stir the chocolate slowly allowing it to cool to room temperature, or until it’s thick enough that it will form a drizzle when poured down the inside of the cup (about 10 minutes).
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