Prep:  10 minutes (when using pre-cooked pastry shells)
Cook:  10 minutes
Makes:  4 tartlets
Serves:  4
Average: 3 (2 votes)
Recipe by: Australian Pears
An easy winter dessert, these tartlets with pear, vanilla and cinnamon compote are the perfect sweet treat. Just pop in the oven for 10 minutes and you have irresistible after dinner bites.

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Tartlets with Pear, Vanilla and Cinnamon Compote
  1. For the compote, place the Corella pears, vanilla pods and seeds, sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon into a small non-stick saucepan over a medium heat
  2. Cook for 10 minutes or until the pear is just soft
  3. Set aside to cool
  4. To serve, place a generous amount of the compote into each tart shell and served with clotted cream, ice cream or creme anglaise
Tips & Hints:
  • For this recipe the Corella pear can be substituted for Beurre Bosc or Red Anjou depending on seasonality.
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