Prep:  20 minutes
Cook:  23 minutes
Makes:  12 scones
Serves:  12
Average: 4.4 (16 votes)
Recipe by: Western Star
Indulge in the scrumptious delight of these Air Fryer Strawberry Scones. With the addition of finely chopped strawberries that add bursts of sweetness in every bite, these warming scones are a delightful quick and easy treat. These scones are the epitome of easy and delicious indulgence.
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Air Fryer Strawberry Scones
  1. Sift flour and baking powder into a large bowl. Stir in sugar. Add butter and rub in with your fingertips until mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs.
  2. Stir in strawberries. Make a well in the centre. Add milk. Using a flat-bladed knife, stir until incorporated. Use your hand to bring together to form a dough. Turn out onto a lightly floured bench. Gently knead until reasonably smooth. Don’t over-knead. Pat out dough until 3cm thick.
  3. Use a 5.5cm round cutter, dipped in flour, and cut out as many scones as you can in first batch. Gather dough, knead again, pat out and cut out more scones. Line base of air fryer with a piece of baking paper. Place scones close together in air fryer basket. Brush tops lightly with milk.
  4. Slide pan and basket back into air fryer. Set temperature to 160C. Cook for 15 minutes until golden on top. Remove basket from pan. Place a tray on top of basket and invert scones onto tray. Slide scones back into basket, bases facing up. Air-fry for a further 8 minutes or until golden and dry on base. Stand for 10 minutes.
  5. Split scones in half. Top with jam, Western Star Spreadable or whipped cream to serve.
Tips & Hints:
  • As air fryers do not cook from the bottom, scones need to be turned over to cook through evenly and brown the bases. This also prevents the tops from burning.
  • Scones can be frozen in a zip lock bag. Thaw and warm through in the microwave to freshen.
  • Air fryers vary in temperatures and cooking times may be slightly different. Best to check scones and reduce temperature by 10 degrees if over-browning.
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