Prep:  10 minutes
Cook:  10 minutes
Serves:  4
Average: 4 (18 votes)
Recipe by: Foodbank
Support the brands that support Foodbank! This easy and delicious Quesadillas recipe was made with Old El Paso products. Mexican cooking that's perfect for dinner or lunch
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Beef Steak Quesadillas
  1. Warm a griddle pan over medium-high heat
  2. Drizzle the meat with a little olive oil and rub over the taco seasoning. Fry the steak for 2-3 minutes on each side (for medium) or cook until your liking. Remove from pan, set aside and cover loosely with foil to rest for 10 minutes. Thinly slice
  3. Clean the pan and warm again over a medium heat
  4. Top one side of each tortilla with the salsa, coriander, sliced beef and cheese. Flip top of the unfilled side over the filling to create a semi-circle
  5. Gently cook prepared quesadillas in warmed frypan, for 1-2 minutes then carefully turn once to cook the other side
  6. Serve with a dollop sour cream, avocado and extra coriander, if desired
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