Prep:  20 mins
Cook:  25 mins
Serves:  4
Average: 4.2 (16 votes)
Recipe by: Perfect Italiano
Quick and easy Chicken risotto recipe that's packed with flavour!
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Chicken and Asparagus Risotto
  1. Heat oil in large pan and cook leek and bacon for a few minutes. Add rice and continue to cook for a few minutes. Add chicken pieces and lightly brown
  2. Add one cup of stock and cook, stirring until the stock is absorbed. Reduce heat and continue adding stock, half a cup at a time. When the stock is absorbed, add the next cupful.
  3. When you have added all the stock, check to see if the rice is cooked (it should still be slightly firm to the bite)
  4. Stir in asparagus. Add the butter and Romano and stir through until melted
  5. Finish with lemon zest and tarragon. Check the seasoning, remove from heat and serve with extra Romano
Tips & Hints:
  • Use smoked chicken fillets for extra flavour.
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