Prep:  15 minutes
Cook:  8 minutes
Serves:  4
Average: 3 (5 votes)
This garlic prawn rolls recipe, is a great appetiser for special occasion such as Christmas and Easter. These quick prawn rolls, are great for platters and are super quick and fuss-free to assemble.

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Garlic Prawn Rolls
  1. Pre-heat oven to 170°C
  2. On medium heat, fry De Costi prawns for 2-3 minutes then add lemon and butter disk and parsley and cook future until butter is melted. Remove from heat
  3. Cut bread roll lengthways
  4. Mix the butter and garlic together and brush inside of the rolls
  5. Fill each roll with the DeCosti prawns (about 2-3 prawns per roll) and place on non-stick baking tray. Drizzle remaining butter and garlic over rolls
  6. Bake for 5 minutes until rolls are crisp. Serve hot
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6 years 2 months ago
I don't think I've seen worse looking food