Prep:  15 min + 40 min to set
Makes:  20 squares
Serves:  6-8
Average: 3.8 (38 votes)
Recipe by: Copha
For lovers of white chocolate, this delicious twist on rocky road is sure to please the sweetest tooth!
Credit: Tami McAdam

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White Chocolate & Raspberry Rocky Road
  1. Line the base and sides of a 15 x 30cm slab tin with baking paper
  2. Melt the Copha in a small saucepan over a low heat. Stir in the icing sugar until well combined
  3. Melt in the white chocolate in a large bowl in the microwave on 50% power for 1 minute. Stir and microwave for a further 30 seconds, then stir until smooth
  4. Add the Copha mixture to the chocolate and fold through all the remaining ingredients, coating well
  5. Press the mixture evenly into the lined tin and allow to set in a cool place or refrigerate
  6. When rocky road is set, cut into squares with a warm sharp knife and store in an airtight container until required. Rocky Road may also be drizzled with pink chocolate to decorate
Tips & Hints:
  • This rocky road is also delicious with dried cranberries or blueberries added. Nuts may also be used.
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