Prep:  10 minutes
Cook:  50 minutes
Makes:  1 large pasta bake
Serves:  4-6
Average: 4.3 (16 votes)
Recipe by: Perfect Italiano
Take traditional ratatouille recipe base and turn it into an easy, delicious pasta bake perfect for vegetarians. Download the recipe or cook on your iPad.

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Ratatouille Lasagne
  1. Over a medium heat in a large heavy saucepan add a splash of olive oil and begin cooking eggplant in batches until golden, then remove all eggplant from the pan
  2. Add the onion, garlic, capsicum, zucchini & thyme and cook for 3-5 minutes until golden. Then add the olives, capers, tomatoes & cooked eggplant then stir together, cook for a further 3 to 4 minutes, season with salt and pepper and stir through the chopped fresh basil
Tips & Hints:
  • Add the juice and zest of a lemon to the vegetable mix for a little extra zing
  1. Pre heat oven to 180°C.
  2. Spread 1/3 of the ratatouille mixture into the base of a baking dish. Top with a handful of Perfect Italiano Perfect Bakes cheese then cover with lasagne sheets.
  3. Repeat this process until the dish is full, finishing with the ratatouille and the remaining Perfect Italiano Perfect Bakes cheese on top.
  4. Place in the oven for 40 minutes or until cheese is melted golden brown and the pasta is cooked through. Remove from oven and allow to rest for a few minutes, then serve.
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