Prep:  10 minutes
Cook:  20 minutes
Serves:  4
Average: 4.4 (5 votes)
Recipe by: Perfect Italiano
This Air Fryer Parmesan Crusted Fish Fillet is a symphony of textures and flavours, and is a perfectly balanced combination of crispiness and succulence. Each bite offers a satisfying contrast between the rich, nutty flavour of the Parmesan crust and the delicate, mild taste of the fish.
Credit: Whisk Media Group

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Play Video: Air Fryer Parmesan Crusted Fish
Air Fryer Parmesan Crusted Fish Fillet
  1. Pat fish dry using paper towel and season with salt and pepper.
  2. Mix together mustard and mayonnaise and spread over the top of each fillet.
  3. Combine Panko crumb, Parmesan, parsley and lemon zest and spoon onto a flat plate. Press the mustard smeared side of fish into crumb, pressing down firmly to make it stick.
  4. Line air fryer basket with a small sheet of baking paper. Lightly spray Parmesan crumb with cooking spray and place in the air fryer in a single layer. Cook for 15-20 minutes at 170°C or until crumb is golden and fish is cooked through. Cook in batches as necessary. Serve immediately with an apple and kaleslaw salad and lemon wedges.
Tips & Hints:
  • To cook in the oven. Bake at 220֯ C for 10-12 minutes, finish under a hot grill until crumb is golden.
  • Cook times will vary depending on the thickness of your fillets and variations in air fryers. Always start with the shortest cook time. Check and adjust to suit.
  • Use any firm fish fillet such as barramundi and salmon.
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Nice dinner
Cindy loves to cook
2 months 20 hours ago
I had to cook the fish a bit longer but this probably just me getting to know my new air freyer. Very nice recipes